Thursday, June 9, 2011

Almost the end of journey

Tomorrow will be the closing ceremony for my pre-employment programme. The programme is for one month and tomorrow is the end of the journey.

Many interesting things happened today;
-Class party (We have lunch together)
-Coaching session with my trainer, Mr.Murray
-Buddy coaching

*Class party- sooo touching. mr.Murray cried when we gave a present for him, a frame with picture of each of us. He did said that he always told his wife what happened in the class everyday after he go home. He just made me feel that he love me, he really love all of us. And indeed he is a good teacher, a good trainer and a good educator.

And, some of us also cried (including me, of course)...This programme is really add value to ourselves...And we felt that Mr.Murray is like a father and a friend to us. And also it is a very special bond of relationship between all of us in an adventurous journey to know ourselves, to plan our life and to improve ourselves to be a better person.

Chocolate cakes!

We know he loves us..

* Couching session with my trainer-I like being coach and even for me this is the best part of the programme. Mr. Murray really help me to know certain areas of myself that I should develop more. All the discussion is about myself and my life.

Who is the person in this world who really care about what you want in life?And to listen so attentively, as though there is no other people in this world except only you and him?
I have Mr.Murray as one of that kind of person.

"Don't kill your passion"-Thank Mr.Murray.

*Couching session with our buddy is really a great idea. Earlier, each person have a buddy to be observed. And today, the coach done a coaching session with the person that he/she observed. Its more on to discuss on how is our performance in class, participation, what is our strength, weaknesses and area of improvement.

A million thank to Dayah as my coach. She had gave me a few tips on how to improve myself and I need such a frank advise which will help me a lot in my life.
To Rizun, I hope he will gain something from our coaching session as I became his secret coach.

With Mr.Murray

Showing the cards that we get from the person that we coach

Fake tears..haha..(Barisan pelakon: Bad, Piah and Mat)

Rizun, Dayah and me

Today in memory. I will never forget this day, 9 June 2011.......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tell them how great they are

What is the meaning of validation?
One of the meaning of validation is to tell a person how great he/she is.

After watching an inspiring video, my trainer, Mr. Murray asked us to write our name on top of the A4 paper and paste it on our back.

Then, our friends in the class need to write good things about us.

What did I feel during this activity?
I feel happy because people wrote something good about myself.
I feel happy because I can write good things about my friend which I might not have the chances to tell him/her.
I feel excited to do it since I think this is quite an interesting activity.
I know others' opinion about me.
I feel good about myself ^^

Thank you very much for those who wrote something for me=)

Actually I feel so sleepy right now, but really want to share this with you [and to remind myself too].

Just would like to asks a few questions to ponder;

How much in our life we give praise to someone, or just to tell how great they are?
or just to tell them how much you love them
or just to tell them how important they are in our life?

Not many, right?

Just let it go, tell them! Let them know!

Layyinulharir: Bley buat aktiviti camni dalam usrah kan...

Kolej kediaman ketiga
Universiti Malaya
9 Jun 2011, 7 Rejab
2.52 a.m

A day in the office

Sedar tak sedar cuma tinggal 2 hari sahaja lagi sebelum pre-employment program ini berakhir. sekejap je masa berlalu...

Antara aktiviti hari ni: A simulation day in the office

Kitorang kononnya bekerja kat dalam office. So, kena settlekan beberapa tasks. Memang pulun wat kerja, kejar deadline, kununnya.

Yang lucunya, buat penat wat semua task tu, padahal bukan semua tu urusan kami sebenarnya. Contoh, untuk bayar perkhidmatan, ni mestilah bahagian finance kan. Kami bahagian operasi tak uruskan kewangan. Ni siap tepon customer (tepon trainer), cakap duit dah bank in dan reka draf bank. Dah la tak bape ingat draf bank camner. Adeiih...Tertipu upernye, maknanya tak betul2 faham dan fikir apa yang patut dibuat tuk task tu.

Aplikasi di tempat kerja:

contoh y mudah, ada orang suruh kita tandatangan something, kita jangan sign selagi kita tau sign untuk apa, dan adakah kita ada kuasa/authority/the right person atau perlu tuk sign. Jangan pula kita tiba2 menyibuk tuk sign, berlagak cam boss plak, huhu..

Satu lagi tugasan penting yang kami kena buat adalah untuk buat schedule dan budget tuk melayan 4 tetamu dari New York yang datang ke company kami selama seminggu. Budget tuk semua sekali RM5,000

Penat gak nak plan apa yang nak dibuat dalam masa 7 hari tu. Bajet pun satu hal. RM5,000 mana cukup kan? Hotel lagi, kena bawak pegi sightseeing lagi, makan lagi..Susah gak nak pikir tu...

Tapi, kami cuma cakap tak cukup duit yang diperuntukkan tu masa tengah bincang dalam department . Takde seorang pun yang pergi bincang dengan boss bahawa bajet tu seem tak cukup je, and if possible hope dia bley naikkan lagi budget tu. If tak, takkan kita nak bagi layanan yang tak elok tuk guests just kerana nak save budget.

Haha..gelak je la kitorang...bukan main bincang, last skali conclusionnya ialah kita mesti berani untuk berbincang dengan boss [Takde pun setiap grup kena bentang budget or schedule seperti dalam imaginasiku..huhu..]

Apa yang Layyin dapat dari aktiviti ni:

-Mesti kena tahu position dan skop tugas. tak perlu nak buat keje yang kita sepatutnya tak involve.
-Berani berbincang
-Perlu ada kemahiran komunikasi
-Bley cope dengan pressure
-Plan well

Ada sorang kawan cakap dgn nada brgurau, "Keje kat pejabat banyak macam ni ke? kalu camni nak balik menoreh getah je la" ;p

Layyinulharir: Best gak aktiviti hari ni, new experience. Tapi tak suka la keje2 pejabat ni. Saya suka jadi cikgu atau berniaga je (setakat ni la).. hehe, peace (^_^)

Kolej Kediaman ketiga,
Universiti Malaya,
9 June 2011
2.12 a.m

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Isteri umpama bidadari syurga

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Pernah dengar tentang Kelab Isteri Taat? Dah baca artikel tentang kelab ni semalam?
Jom baca dulu kat link ni:

"Mungkin ada yang akan menilai artikel ini dari sudut positifnya dengan nilai hiperbola iaitu 'pelacur kelas pertama'. Namun, saya merasakan ianya salah pada maksud, mahupun nilai perbandingan seorang isteri yang mempunyai darjat yang jauh lebih tinggi dari pelacur. Nauzubillah.."

"Menjadi isteri ibarat bidadari syurga jauh lebih baik daripada menjadi isteri ibarat pelacur kelas pertama.. Macam mana nak jadi seperti bidadari syurga?Jadikan Al-Quran dan hadis sebagai panduan. cari rujukan dalam buku, memang banyak... macam mana nak jadi pelacur kelas pertama? astagfirullah, jangan sesekali mencari mana-mana rujukan.. "

(Mengolah sedikit kata-kata dari sahabat saya, Haifa Aniqah dan Shahrizul Ayuni. kredit buat mereka. I totally agree.)


After he shared with the class about this issue,then I just give my own opinion where I disagree with the suggestion of being like"first class prostitute"

After that,

He said: Everyone have their opinion. And the person who said this is a very knowledgeable person in religion, right? (He refer to dr.Rohaya). So, sometimes there is no right or wrong answers. People have their own opinion. It just opinion.

My heart said: Yes, in certain things, there is no wrong or right answers. For example, if someone said that the clothes is beautiful, he is right. But, if another person said that the same clothes is ugly, he is also right.

If we ask a drug addict, , "Do you think that to be a drug addict is good?"
Maybe he might answer," Yes, it nothing bad to be a drug addict. It is not a wrong thing to do."
Do we still want to say that the answer given by the drug addict is correct because it is all just about opinion?

If we ask a muslimah who is not wearing hijab," Do you think it is ok not to wear hijab?"
"Yes, it's up to ourselves whether we want to wear it or not. It is not wrong not to wear hijab. For me, to be fashionable and up-to-date with fashion is more important"-Is this sound right?

" I'm enjoy killing people. It such an enjoyable moment to see people in pain"-gosh!

What say u?

As a conclusion, opinion can be either right or wrong, both are acceptable. But in certain aspects (which seems like just an opinion) it still can be totally wrong or totally right since we as a muslim have our own guidelines in order to judge things whether it is right or wrong. Therefore, our opinion must be always based on the views of Islam.

(But he is not a muslim. So, its ok for him to think in that way) But I hope the listener won't be nod their head while listened to this (",) InsyaAllah..

Layyinulharir: Semalam terasa nak kongsi perkara ini di blog, namun saya batalkan hasrat tu. Tapi, bila dalam kelas tadi trainer saya cerita tentang isu ni, saya rasa semangat plak nak share something kat alam maya ni.

Kolej Kediaman Ketiga
Universiti Malaya
12.20 A.M

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pintaku Ya Allah..

“Ya Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Memiliki Rahsia, Tuhan yang Maha memegang kasih sayang seluruh jiwa kami, Tuhan yang Maha Penentu, Tuhan yang Maha Menyatukan jiwa-jiwa kami, ya Allah, aku merupakan hamba yang lemah, hamba yang tidak mampu mengawal diriku daripada fitrah seorang manusia yang memerlukan teman, memerlukan kekasih, memerlukan suami/isteri, memerlukan keluarga.

Ya Allah, jika masanya telah tiba, jika apa yang aku mohon ini merupakan sesuatu yang terbaik disisiMu Ya Allah, terbaik buat agamaku Ya Allah, terbaik buat diriku, keluarga dan seluruh mukminin dan mukminat Ya Allah, maka aku memohon kepadaMu YaAllah agar aku ditemukan dengan jodoh yang terbaik di sisiMu Ya Allah. Setiap yang terbaik di sisiMu Ya Allah, pasti terbaik buat diriku Ya Allah.

Namun Ya Allah, jika masanya untuk dipertemukan dengan jodohku belum tiba YaAllah, maka Ya Allah, aku memohon kepadaMu agar Kau tunjukkan jalan-jalan untuk aku memiliki jodohku Ya Allah. Aku memohon agar Kau tunjukkan aku tuntutun-tuntutanMu yang perlu aku lakukan untuk memiliki jodohku Ya Allah. Ya Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Memakbulkan doa, Tuhan yang Maha Penentu jodoh, Ya Allah jauhilah aku daripada kemaksiatan, jauhilah aku daripada perkara-perkara yang tidak dapat memberikan manfaat, jauhilah aku daripada perkara-perkara yang Engkau murkai dan perkara-perkara yang menyesatkan diriku Ya Allah. Amin

Dipetik dari:

Layyinulharir: Amiin..Amiin...Amiin...Ya Wahhab..

Salam Rejab

Assalamualaikum (",)
Dalam kesibukan, hari ini dah masuk hari kedua bulan Rejab..Bermakna, dalam 2 bulan saja lagi kita akan menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang ditunggu-tunggu. Jom, kita bersihkan hati, mantapkan ibadah, kuatkan 'stamina' dan insyaAllah semoga Ramadhan tahun ini menjadi Ramadhan yang terbaik.
"Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rajab wa Sya'ban, Wa ballighna Ramadhan" riwayat al-Tirmizi, maksudnya, Ya Allah berkatilah kami dalam bulan Rejab & Sya'ban dan panjangkanla usia kami kepada Ramadhan, dan berdoalah dengan membaca ayat ke 8 Surah ali Imran agar berterusan semangat beribadah daripada sekarang hingga bila-bila.